Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Interesting views of the road.

This has been fun.  A  bit cold but not near as cold as the last trip.  We spent our first night in Camas, Washington.  It began to rain a little after we started but remainde fairly warm until the next day.  When we got to Stevenson we got a bit confused and did a bit of extra driving but after a stop for gas and coffee where we met a fellow looking for a scooter.  We might have sold our scooter.  It has been gathering dust in our basement/grge for awhile now.  In fact we have a smallerone if anyone would be interested.  Any way we got back our focus and got on the road again .  We went across the Bridge of the Gods .  Stoped at Arlington, Oregon and had a wonderful dinner/lunch. It was a mexican Resturan near or at the Village Inn.  It had an awesome bean soup and a veggie Stirfrye.  The sun came out for the first time there and dried us out for a short time.  We landed in Pendleton and decided to stay.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Today We begin a new adventure.  We are going to Creation Northwest In Enumclaw.  It should be a time to worship our Lord and sing new songs and a time to replenish our souls in his spirit.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The end of our trip.

 This is the trip Santiam pass .  Near Three sister which had a name one of faith, hope, and charity

It was snowing.  On a scooter that can be a bit scarybut we survived and found a wonderful resturant ,  We ate a fieta and beans and defrosted.  The trip was less exciting on to Eugen,  We were verttired and for some reason my stomach wasn't happy.  The next day I sleped half the day.  We were worn out.  It was nice of Beverly Ron's sis ter to take in two bedraggled wayfairers.  Then Kala and Jenny gave up their bed.  What wonderful people.

Monday, April 30, 2012


This land changes as you travel each county is different and has something unique.  To travel by scooter you smell it.  The fresh air the flowers the gas fumes the trees.  You get to experience the challenges the heat and the cold.  Today it was cold.  Not enough  to freeze the fingers though.


I started taking some buildings That arre different.  I have to taken many picures of towns etc,  because to me most of them are the same,  They all put in the same stores and the same hotels etc,
But some places are beautiful.. Here is a rest stop that is rare where you see nature as it relly is.  The birds are there to watch and enjoy.


We are now in Bend Oregon.  I have had some trouble putting  picures etc, on this blog ,  This is taken near Klamath falls.  We ended there yesterday.  Today It was raining so I did not take any picures and I regret that but it was too cold as well.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The wind.

If you could only see the wind in the grass here .  It was laying flat.
I you